Two retired nuclear scientists reside in an isolated cottage by the sea as the world around them crumbles. Together they are going to live forever on yogurt and yoga, until an old friend arrives with a frightening request. Lucy Kirkwood’s hit play is a beautifully-written puzzle about personal responsibility, guilt and what we leave our young.
Generously sponsored by Marianne and Sheldon Lubar, Bob Balderson and Judges John and Jean DiMotto.
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Shariba Rivers as Rose
Brian Mani as Robin
Mary MacDonald Kerr as Hazel
Creative Team
Marie Kohler, Director
Jeff Kmiec, Scenic Designer
Noele Stollmack, Lighting Designer
Gregory Graham, Costume Designer
Josh Schmidt, Sound Designer
Em Allen, Properties Designer
KaiLee Evans, Intimacy Director
Eva Breneman, Dialect Coach
Maria Soledad Gillespie, Choreographer
Nat Goeller, Stage Manager
Faith Lensmith, Assistant Stage Manager