by Christine Yündem, Ticket Office Manager
It’s almost an hour until performance time and there are already people bustling about in the theatre lobby. They are volunteer ushers, signing in, donning their badges, meeting with the House Manager, sharing information and prepping programs for the soon-to-arrive audience. Greeting patrons, taking their tickets and locating seats, these friendly folks appreciate theatre-goers and are always ready to provide any extra information or assistance that may be helpful.
Each of our four regular-season productions requires a total of 154 ushers through the run, and independent productions that rent the Next Act Theatre space also benefit by using our reliable, experienced ushers corps.
And Next Act truly appreciates its volunteers, not only for the services they provide but for their support of the theatre in the community at large. Some loyal volunteers have been with us for decades while new recruits come on board each season.
If you or a friend are interested in finding out more about volunteering for Next Act, please click here or call the Ticket Office at 414-278-0765.