Bree recently stole the show as Marie Antoinette in Lauren Gunderson’s THE REVOLUTIONISTS, part of our 2019-2020 season. Previously, audiences have seen her on our stage in THE TAMING. Take a tour through Next Act history with a look at the roles Bree has played on our stages!
“To Morrow” – Molly Rhode and Chase Stoeger
Molly Rhode has been seen on our stages in FALLEN ANGELS, THE CLOCKMAKER and UnSILENT NIGHT, while Chase Stoeger appeared in the unforgettable GROUCHO: A LIFE IN REVUE. Sing along with Molly and Chase on this classic folk song!
2020-2021 Season
There’s no denying that our lives and our world have changed a lot recently. However, we are confident that recognizable daily life will return and that live performance will hold an even higher esteem among you, our loyal patrons, who have cherished and supported Next Act’s work for years or decades. Our 2020-21 season focuses […]
Marti’s Magnificent Meal
Most recently, Marti Gobel directed BLOOD AT THE ROOT, and will direct PRINCIPAL PRINCIPLE in our 2020-21 season. Audiences may recognize her from PERFECT MENDACITY, NO CHILD…, TWILIGHT: LOS ANGELES 1992 and THE TAMING. Cook along with Marti as she makes a magnificent meal of beef shortribs and vegetable pad thai! Get the recipe here too.
Layered Realities
Layered Realities The Art of Jean Dexter Sobon By Bill Toth, volunteer gallery curator As depicted in the play 9 CIRCLES, the search for truth and justice is a many layered pursuit, often influenced by the searcher’s perspective as much as an objective reality. In a court, the desired outcome is a verdict; a conclusion; […]
Our Production Partner
Our Production Partner By David Cecsarini, Producing Artistic Director During the planning process for 9 CIRCLES, we reached out to a unique, local arts organization called Feast of Crispian (FoC)*. Their mission is dedicated to working with veterans of military service and as such, has been an indispensable community partner, helping us understand circumstances and […]