Next Act (Home) Theatre
By A.J. Magoon, Marketing Director

It’s fitting that our upcoming second production, PRINCIPAL PRINCIPLE, is all about learning: it seems like we’ve been doing nothing but learning for the last year! We’ve been learning how to work, go to school, have happy hours and celebrate holidays from home. We’ve been learning all kinds of new terms like “social distancing” and “herd immunity.” We’ve also been learning about theatre in a truly digital age.
We learned a lot from our first virtual production, THE CHRISTIANS, and we’re excited to share what we learned with you for a revamped virtual theatre experience!
There are still lots of ways you can watch PRINCIPAL PRINCIPLE on your TV at home – using an HDMI cable to connect a laptop or phone to your TV, or using a streaming device like a Roku, Amazon FireStick, AppleTV, ChromeCast or others to play the video directly. Our PRINCIPAL PRINCIPLE web portal boasts a new, in-depth article and video walkthrough to help you enjoy the show while staying comfortably at home.

Additionally, we’re excited to bring our Curbside Concessions program back with a redesigned online ordering portal so you can take all your favorite Next Act refreshments home with you.
All of this information is available to ticketholders at the viewing link on our website right now. If you have tickets for PRINCIPAL PRINCIPLE already, take some time to check it out before the show opens! If you haven’t ordered your tickets yet, take this opportunity to find out everything we have to offer with our latest, greatest virtual show.
As always, please feel free to call (414) 278-7780 or email with questions. We’ll see you at the (digital) theatre!
Need additional help connecting your device to your TV? Let Marketing Director A.J. Magoon walk you through the process in this video!