Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown!
By Jane Flieller, Development Director

The Dorothy Inbusch Foundation has made a very generous offer to Next Act Theatre! Make a donation and they will match it dollar-for-dollar up to $10,000 for any new or increased gifts made through December 31, 2020.
In what will surely be a very challenging time for performing arts groups, Next Act is incredibly grateful for the generosity of the Inbusch Foundation and to you – our loyal supporters, for helping us secure a successful season.
This additional funding will go a long way toward the realization of our 2020-21 season as we navigate our way through an ever-changing landscape. Please consider a gift to Next Act Theatre today and double its impact! Donate online here, call us at (414) 278-7780 or send a donation to Next Act Theatre, PO Box 394, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0394.