Blow the Horn! Ring the Bell!
Next Act’s Tribute Campaign Is Going Well!
by Jane Flieller, Development Director

As you may have heard, Next Act Theatre launched an important campaign on July 1, 2022. The Tribute Campaign is a two-year initiative created to support recent changes in artistic leadership and administrative restructuring, without depleting cash reserves.
Named in honor of David Cecsarini, who has led Next Act from its humble beginnings to the renowned arts organization it is today, this funding will ensure its continuation for years to come. Through the leadership of new Artistic Director, Cody Estle, the creation of a Managing Director position and the redistribution of administrative responsibilities among the existing staff, Next Act is looking at a promising future. However, these changes come with a price tag: recruiting, hiring and increased health insurance are among the items that need to be incorporated into the annual budget. We promise to steward contributions responsibly to optimize our administrative strengths as we focus on our artistic mission and educational programs.
We are on track with nearly half of our goal raised in the first quarter of the Tribute Campaign! Please consider a gift or pledge to help us reach $200,000 by June 30, 2024. Add your name to the list of those who have honored us with a contribution to this important fund, above and beyond their annual giving, to get us to the finish line.
For more information, feel free to contact our office at 414-278-7780 or simply make your donation online. On behalf of Next Act Theatre’s Board of Directors, staff and artists, thank you for your generosity!

Thank you to our current Tribute Campaign donors and pledges!
Steven Alexander
Anonymous (3)
Bob Balderson
Brooke Billick and Susan Bickert
Edward Hammond and Marcia Brooks
Matt Brunell
Susanne Burwell
Laurie and Pete Byrne
Miles and Barbara Capron Fund
Eric and Jeanne Christiansen
Patty Compton
Mary E. D’Amico
Rose Delaney
Judges John and Jean DiMotto
Diane and Jeff Edwards
Betty Estle
Michael Evans
in honor of Christine Yündem
Al and Sally Ferguson
Pam Frautschi
Joel and Ruth Ann Guthmann
Cary and Karen Henson
Andrew and Paula Holman
Kate Jacobson
Linda Jaeger
BJ and Candace Jones
Annie Jurczyk and Steve Miller
Joe Kmoch
Werner Krause
Pam Kriger
Konrad Kuchenbach
in memory of John E. Holland
Dane and Dana LaFontsee
Dale and Barbara Lenz
Sheldon and Marianne Lubar
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Norma E. and Eugene J. Hayman Charitable Fund
William and Mary Hoffmann Fund
George H. and Virgilee F. Krueck Fund
William Wightman and Beatrice Jones Winkler Fund
Jane and Paul Mandel Family Fund
Judith Martel
Donna Martynski
in memory of Jerry Martynski
Kathleen McElroy and David Newby
Betty Staples
Sara Young and John Christensen
in honor of David Cecsarini
Sandra Zingler