A Summer Soirée … with Next Act Theatre
By Jane Flieller, Development Director
Summer is here and that’s a great time to get together with friends to catch up. So let’s have ourselves a little cocktail party online! Grab your favorite summer beverage, pull up a chair and join the fun as we toast to Next Act Theatre and you!

Toast #1: To Your Generosity
We can’t thank you enough for the generosity you’ve shown us over the past few months as our worlds have turned upside down. From those in a position to turn back tickets for 9 CIRCLES and Bravo 2020 to your generous monetary gifts, you helped us close up the 2019-20 season, our 30th anniversary, in far better shape than we dreamed possible. Cheers!
Toast #2: To The Future!
It’s been a crazy couple of months, but who better to handle it than crazy artists and their crazy patrons? We are resilient and resourceful and along with your patronage and support, there’s nothing we can’t handle. So we’ll be back to creating memory-filled moments of theatrical delight before you know it – thanks to you! Cheers!
Toast #3: To Our Show Sponsors – Could That Be You??
The season is selected and that means it’s time to round up our show sponsors! Sponsors fill a unique role in providing funding that directly supports the needs of a particular production. Different tiers are available – contact me at jane@nextact.org to receive more information. Consider going in on a sponsorship with a friend or your place of business. Cheers!
Toast #4: To Our Exciting Producer’s Circle Patrons – Care To Join Us?
Have you heard about the Producer’s Circle? It’s a level of annual giving that comes with great benefits. For your annual gift of $1,000 or more, you not only glow with the knowledge that you are a major force in bringing our programming to life, but you receive drink tickets for use at every performance attended, invitations to exclusive events and recognition in our playbills and events! Cheers!