The Gauntlet Was Thrown
By Jane Flieller, Development Director

Once upon a time, the illustrious Inbusch Foundation and everyone in the land found themselves in the midst of a terrible pandemic. Lords and Ladies of the Foundation who loved arts and culture, feared for the well-being of local arts groups and the communities they serve. The Foundation longed to share their good fortune with those artists and so, a challenge was set forth!
The Inbusch Foundation issued a matching challenge to one of their loyal subjects, Next Act Theatre. “Go forth and gather up to ten thousand ducats,” they declared, “and the Foundation will bestow upon you a matching amount.”
Sir David and the Merry Moneyraisers gathered at the base of Donation Mountain to begin their climb. But they knew they couldn’t do it alone. So they reached out to their Steadfast Patrons, threw down the gauntlet, and challenged each and every one to consider a new or increased gift. Lo and behold, the Steadfast Patrons came from near and far to follow the quest!
Sir David and the Merry Moneyraisers began their ascent up the steep and slippery Donation Mountain. At first their journey seemed impossible — the match out of reach! But then, something wonderful happened: ducats upon ducats began to fall! And miraculously, the more that fell, the easier was their climb, until at last they reached the top of Donation Mountain, declaring to the Inbusch Foundation that the challenge had been met!
A cry of joy echoed throughout the land! And everyone at Next Act Theatre and the Greater Milwaukee area lived happily ever after – enjoying extraordinary live theatre – thanks to its Steadfast Patrons and the Lords and Ladies of the Inbusch Foundation!
A hearty and heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in this matching challenge by giving this holiday season. Your belief in our work, your patience with our process (not to mention our learning curve!) and your outstanding generosity will help see us through!